About my site

Hello all! My name is Erick and I’m from Costa Rica. I’ve always been curious about new places, learned a lot of geography when I was just a kid, collected maps and liked to watch documentaries about remote locations. A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon Postcrossing.com – a site where you send a postcard to a random user in a random country, and then you get a postcard back from another random user at another random country. I’ve received postcards from all places, it’s cool to learn new things and get that feel of “traveling” just by checking out the picture in the card and checking facts online. I’ve also been able to make some friends and keep communicating with them via snail mail.

I hope this site will be of your interest, thanks for stopping by!

If you would like to send me something, or want to exchange a card with me, just let me know, you can reach me at: mypostalcards AT gmail DOT com

Or just send me something, and provide a return address.

Erick Alvarado
Apdo 1086-3000
Heredia 40101

3 thoughts on “About my site

  1. Hello, very interesting blog, interesting descriptions, beautiful postcards ….
    I invite you to exchange interest me waterfalls and caves, regards.

  2. Hello. I am glad that I saw Your blog. If You check my blog and look at under blogroll looking for “Costarica y su gente”, then You notice that I have friends, only blog friends, in Costa Rica since 12 year.

    ¡Que tengas un muy buen día!

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